Thursday, March 31, 2005

Cat Dog

Well. Now that I have gone off the deep end on the world for not recognizing my greatness I get a positive comment. Thank you positive comment person.

I went running with Cat Dog today. Cat Dog is my parents’ dog. Cat Dog is a gigantic fluffy black lab mix of some kind. He purrs and rubs up against your leg. He also curls up on your lap (he is like 80 pounds). He is a natural omnivore – even eats carrots. When you wake up, Cat Dog bugs you until you give Cat Dog a massage. Not a petting. A massage. He leans on his stomach in this easy chair and MOANS with pleasure as you rub his back. It is completely surreal. Cat Dog has a strange relationship with other dogs. He ignores little ones and attacks gigantic ones, preferably pitbulls or rottweilers. My stepfather went out for a beer and tied him up to the table of this outdoor café while he drank.

Scene 2: Cat Dog is running down the street, full tilt, dragging about three tables, a chair, and my stepfather behind him, soaked in beer, chasing some gigantic rottweiler.

Anti-Bush political comment: I am too horny at the moment to be anti-bush anything.

So it looks like I have a herniated disk in my neck. I will corner my neurosurgeon on Monday and force him to carve a replacement disk out of my hip so I can resume normal functions. Doesn’t this sound wondrous? I think it does! I can’t wait for the first time I get laid after all this.

(drunken bimbo voice) “Wow! You are so interesting… So where did you get all these scars? Were you in the Marines?”
(Me, looking all kinds of hot in my new titanium glasses and poet outfit) “Yes. Yes I was. I got these scars when I fought as a mercenary in …Ecuador. Yes. I fought… Ecuadorian guerillas.”
“Wow! You fought gorillas?”
“Yes? I. Did.”

Mr. Fox and Rabbit – Part 7

Rabbit cocked and swiveled a gigantic, flappy ear, analyzing the sounds. “She sounds a touch frantic.”
Mr. Fox sounded apologetic. “Well, she is used to him coming over, hooking up, doing a playlist, falling asleep, withdrawing, and leaving.”
The sounds built to a glorious crescendo and started to fade again. Rabbit repeated the procedure, taking his time with the plug, looking for a good crack in the wood.
Dr. Bear steadied himself against the quaking wall. “Rabbit… The tree is shaking.”
Mr. Fox playfully shook his finger in Rabbit’s face. “Uhm… Stop teasing the tree, Rabbit.”
“Okay, okay… God. You can’t even tease a tree anymore.”
“That made no sense, Perfectly.”
Silence soaked the interior of the frustrated tree. After a few minutes Dr. Bear was able to speak. “Why were we all quiet?”
“Not really sure.”
“It was the tree, I think.”
Mr. Fox began with the pedantic air of a dried up lecturer at a community college. “Well… What happens when a woman is turned on?”
Rabbit’s ears wrapped themselves around one another, to aid in concentration. He furrowed his bushy eyebrows. “Silence soaked the interior of the frustrated tree…?”
Impressed, Perfectly Frank patted Mr. Fox’s shoulder. He tried to high-five Rabbit, but the small shrew ignored his feeble buddyism. The Aussie catnip dealer missed his target and fell face down unto a dubious looking, ashen stain on the floor. He sniffed it – it smelled like charcoal dipped in honey.
Rabbit summarized. “Let me get this straight… When the Tree gets horny… she is soaked in silence?”
Mr. Fox nodded with genuine pleasure. “Makes perfect sense to me.”
“You came out of Dr. Bear’s ass, Mr. Fox.”
“Is that my origin myth?”
“Helluvan origin myth.” Rabbit suckled on the bottle of vodka. “Got anymore catnip?”
“You know… That is a touch forced.”
“Philippine chicks are really hot.”
“They can be, they can be. I suppose they are Philippinas.”
“That sounds vaguely dirty.”
“Doesn’t it?”
“Who is speaking?”
“Not really sure.”

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

You Suck

I know why nobody is looking at this blog, finally. It is because it DOES NOT SUCK. Morons writing boring stupid forced witticisms are viewed 123123123123 times and get equally witty comments like 'I love your blog. keep it up. I loved the witty picture of the guy with the dog.'

Well. If you can't comment on anything in an imaginative, creative fashion, don't comment at all. Your pitiful attempt at immortality through posting a comment is useless since NOBODY will remember your stupid, dull, unoriginal asskissing to an equally stupid, dull, unoriginal blog.

I simply refuse to write easily relatable BULLSHIT that people can understand and comment on. Kiss my ass. I will not put down 'I am an intern in NY' or 'I am a Doctor in Alaska' or 'I am a Horny Guy in Des Moines'. Labels are for little cubicle rats with filing cabinet minds. Yes, that probably means YOU. Define yourself by your dull, 50 hour a week job and your car. Make a kid or make comments on moronically stupid blogs as your feeble, pathetic attempt at extending your miserable existence past your cholesterol clogged, TV watching, suburbanite lifespan.

I will fill you in a little secret, since you have read this far. YOU ARE GOING TO BE DEAD SOON. YOUR HEIRS WILL SELL OFF ALL YOUR TREASURES AND YOUR GRAVE WILL BE COMPLETELY FORGOTTEN IN ABOUT 2 MONTHS AFTER YOUR DEATH. Just FYI. So go ahead and spend your life asking people what they do at the firm Happy Hour, hoping some vapid, self centered bimbo who had one too many screwdrivers will deem you worthy of her attention.

Trallallalalalalala. (Yes, that is me singing a song concerning dwarves working in a mine. Yes, I have been watching Fight Club. I have nothing else to watch. Yes, I am enlightened.)

Monday, March 28, 2005

Ancient Hungarian Fertility Rite

So Easter in Hungary is a riot. First of all, it is a huge deal. Second, it is the vestigial remnant of some ancient pagan fertility ritual. If you are a man, you have the right to go from house to house, with the womanfolk coming to the door to greet you. You recite a poem to the women. I will translate it here. Listen to this:

I have been to a green forest
I have seen a blue violet
It wanted to wilt
Can I water you?

It rhymes in Hungarian. They are suppose to say yes to this and bow their head. Then you get to 'water' them by sprinkling perfume on their hair. You can imagine how badly the women stink by the end of the day. The perfume is different from man to boy to man to boy. God awful Russian perfume mixed with Chanel no. 5 mixed with Creed mixed with some strange cologne. It is truly stupifying. After the women have been assured of 'not wilting', they reward the perfume bearing poets with a gift. This is usually a painted egg, but it can be a shiny coin (worth about a nickel) or candy. There is no age limit to this ritual.

On an unrelated note, I really sympathize with the Japanese chef in Dumb & Dumber. I will say nothing else.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

DVD Hell

So. I have three DVDs in Hungary. I cannot watch any DVDs here because my laptop is set to the US standard and you only get three chances to switch between standards and I already used up two of them. What does this mean? It means that when I do not write or read (which is not often, thank God, but still, occasionally I admit to some intellectual sloth) I am limited to the following gems:
1. Dune – the old one with Patrick Stewart and the dude on Sex in the City.
2. Fight Club
3. Walking with Prehistoric Beasts (PBS special)

Dune – this is just a great B movie. You have got to appreciate the absolute insistence on following the book. You see, most people who direct movies realize that following the book to the letter makes for a totally shitty movie that nobody but the biggest nerds can possibly enjoy. This is the absolute prime example. When this movie came out (I vaguely remember this – I am old) they distributed little cards with definitions and names of planets and people and what not. Without this thing you were completely lost. Of course, once the movie started, they turned out the lights, so you could not read the little cards. Thus, you had to memorize the vocabulary words on the card or you were just fucked. This movie is so cheesy it defies description.

Now, I love Fight Club. I can watch it over and over. Still, it is not healthy to watch that movie OVER and OVER. It makes you very IMPATIENT with shit. Like, filling out forms. After I watch Fight Club, I am sorely tempted to ATTACK myself in an amused copycat effort to improve the level of customer service.

Walking with Prehistoric Beasts – when you watch shit like this you fall asleep thinking you just saw something terribly educational and you feel good about it. When you have it on DVD and you are FORCED to reflect on what exactly you have seen, your conclusions change. The next time you see some animal show, spend five minutes, write down what you have learned. You are in for a surprise – you learned, maybe, two point five vignettes of useless shit for animals whose names you have already forgotten. Animal shows are the sugar free yogurts of the TV kingdom. They are lemonade shows masquerading as health food.

Thursday, March 17, 2005


“Execute general order thirteen, Colonel Smith.”
“Yessir. Will that be with cream AND sugar?”
Admiral Kanal shoved Colonel Smith’s head through the blinking lights of the weapon’s pod. The experienced weapon’s officer’s body twitched with spasms of pain and 20000000 volts of electricity before turning into fine white ash.
“Execute general order thirteen, Liutenant Colonel Samantha.”
The liutenant colonel, a buxom little blonde in a yellow halter top, saluted smartly and dropped to her knees before Kanal. The Admiral’s zeal abated somewhat.
“Okay… Uhm… Well… Execute general order thirteen in, say, ten minutes or so. I will let you know when.”
The remaining officer on the bridge, subcommander Jippy, chirped. The female canary was present to carry out a warning function. The birds could sense aliens through the vastness of space because of their catlike presence. This is why the symbol of earth’s resistance has become Tweety Bird.
He pondered aloud. “I suppose the aliens are approaching the fleet.” He glanced down. These damned aliens. So they were approaching. Let them approach. He noticed the purring kitten on Liutenant Colonel Samantha’s head. Were fuzzy felines part of the normal uniform?

Mr. Fox and Rabbit - Part 129

(I am aware of the fact that this episode is from the distant future of this blog. Live with it. Time travel is cool)

“Why would you do this?”
Mr. Fox chuckled. “Yes. It is making my eyes water.”
General Haig raised his hands in the customary chop-chop motion of the Shaolin warrior. “Rum raisin is today’s code.”
Nancy muttered to herself. “I really hate these ice cream codes.”
“Because you did not eat any does not mean you should not have.”
“I miss Dr. Bear.”
“Me too. He was my resurrection factor.”
“What the hell is a resurrection factor?”
“It’s from the X-Men. One of the X-Men had a resurrection factor.”
Nancy frowned. “It was Angel.”
General Haig was apoplectic with rage. “A girl is not supposed to know about Angel’s resurrection factor. It is nearly as bad as if you know about Rogue’s power.”
“She has no power of her own.”
General Haig launched herself at Nancy with an inarticulate scream of helpless rage. Nancy utilized her special power and fainted.
Mr. Fox sighed. “That has got to be the suckiest superpower EVER.”


I am bummed.
Nobody reads this blog, so I can vent. I am bummed. I wrote a poem about it...
Now I know I said I would not put poetry on this blog. I know this. NOBODY even looks at this blog, so will put this one on it. This is not a funny poem so if you are used to me being funny you are in for some disappointment. Once again, since NOBODY looks at this blog, I am, yet again, talking to myself.

I am so tired.
So very tired.
Exhausted of bright blue ore.
I've been giving it away in great cartloads
on silver platters.
Now I am a beggar,
confused bellringer
before locked sapphire gates.

I am sorry.
I am too tired to stop the mumbling of my fingers.
I sit here in the shadow of the sun
Mumbling, mumbling.
Echoes keep me company.

Sexy Babe Purrs About Agricultural Haulers

So I finished my big translation job. I did nearly 20000 words of complicated insurance lingo in less than three days. This morning, I had a dream – a dream about AGRICULTURAL HAULERS. You see, I translated the Hungarian term for that whole classification as AGRICULTURAL TRACTOR. This is obviously crap. My subconscious finally found the correct word and supplied it in the context of a lusciously naked, 19-year-old nymph whispering the term AGRICULTURAL HAULERS seductively in my ear.

“You have beautiful breasts.”
“Wow… So, you know, you are, like, so hot…”
“How can you walk in heels like that? Let me help you get to that bed…”

At this point I could no longer maintain the illusion that this was a dream NOT involving AGRICULTURAL HAULERS and woke up, COMPELLED to write an email to my translation service, explaining that I have to tell them about AGRICULTURAL HAULERS before I can return to the embrace of Amber/Tiffany/Heather/Stacey/Amanda. No doubt this will really vault me to the top of their contractor list.

“Hey – we need this stuff translated, pronto!”
“Call TWP – he works in his SLEEP.”

I have to say something about Heather at this point. Not a Heather, just THE Heather, in general. THE Heather is just too hot for words in a sleazy, yet wholesome cheerleader in heat kind of way. THE Amber is just a hot stripper, THE Tiffany is just a slut. THE Stacey and THE Amanda are just sort of thrown in. Really, every guy tries to have sex with THE Heather once in their life, just on general principle. If THE Heather is unavailable, any Heather will do. Lesson learned: Do NOT name your child Heather unless you want her to star in chatline commercials as the superhot chick who for some reason has nothing better to do on a Friday night but talk to complete losers on the phone.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Puppets, Fairy Flower, Psycho Princess

This morning I went to a puppet show with my niece and my sister. Wow. Hungarian fairy tales are just COOL, particularly when you literally translate them into English. Hungarian is a strange language anyway, but once you start realizing what it is you are actually saying and what this implies about the good ol’ days, it becomes very, very amusing.

There were approximately 140 screaming 2-5 year olds and maybe 20 moms and kindergarten teachers. I was the ONLY male over the age of 5. Now normally I enjoy these moments (okay, I enjoyed this one as well). Hungarian kids go to live shows and the theater from the moment they can crawl (sometimes they are taken even before then – some strange attraction to culture). This meant the kids began to act like an organized mob from the moment they set foot in the place. A rhythmic chant was started by some three year old theater junky: “Sta-art It Now, Sta-art It Now, Sta-art It Now”. The sound reverberated from the walls. I sat down in my chair and looked around with interest, to come face to face with the glowing eyes of some little hellspawn behind me. He looked upon my immense (for him – I am really rather slender and good looking) bulk with loathing. I was blocking his view, and if he had a knife, I would have been headless in, say, 2 seconds. I cowered and assumed a prone, nearly horizontal position, hoping this would appease him.

My niece loved sitting down, the other kids, the chanting, everything except the damn puppet show. The actual performance began with a horrifying, mutated white larva, claiming to be a witch, gloating over some recipe for some toxic magic steroid. The key ingredient of this potion was a Fairy Flower (this becomes important later) which as it so happens the witch does not have. My niece stared at this terrible creature, whimpered, assumed a fetal position, and buried her head in my sister’s shoulder for the remainder (meaning the entire duration) of the performance

The next puppet that surfaced was the Prince, a rather effeminate looking dude in a skirt. He told us he was looking for a wife.

Next, we got a shot of the Princess. She was this blonde cupcake, an obvious psychotwinky who is convinced that when her potted plant blooms she is in love. You guessed it: Fairy Flower! The Princess is accompanied by a filthy, suspicious looking crow.

The King is this huge guy with a beard and a deep voice, yet he looked and sounded decidedly weirded out by his insane daughter.

So the witch shows up and steals the precious, unique magic flower, left unguarded in a pot outside the castle gates. Is this even theft? I mean, there wasn’t even a tag on the pot, saying ‘Princess’s Fairy Flower’ or some such. Am I the only one who considered this issue? The filthy crow confronts the witch as she is hauling the pot, but she performs this mighty magic spell with her wand, which results in a tangled green rag wrapped around the crow’s beak. Anyway, the witch takes off, and the Princess goes ape. She throws a hissy fit and tells her father to forget marrying her off unless her damned flower is returned.

Enter Prince. He shows up, and tells the king he is looking for a wife. This is where the Hungarian becomes just too funny. I will include a running literal translation of the dialogue:
“I am looking for a wife. Your daughter is hot. Is she for sale?”
“Sort of. She won’t put out unless she gets her flower back from the evil witch. If you bring the plant back, I will give you her hand in marriage. If this ‘inducement’ is insufficient, I will throw in half my kingdom. Fuck – I will throw in the whole thing. Just take her off my hands, please.”
(except for the word Fuck the whole dialogue is real)

So the Prince and the filthy crow take off to reclaim the fairy flower. EVERYONE knows where the ugly witch’s mountain is. It’s a longass trip.

They walk by this tree with a fat yellow bird stuck in it. It’s screaming for help. The Prince, instead of (1) freeing it (2) or whacking it over the head with a rock and eating it, ASKS it why it’s stuck.
“I am stuck in treesap. Free me!”
“Here. Take this feather. You can use it to summon me anywhere. I will come.”
This is where we find out that the filthy crow is allergic to feathers. It is allergic to the little bird, it is allergic to its own feathers. I believe this is a modern twist to this timeless classic and has no bearing on the tale whatsoever.

They get to this glade and camp for the night (the glade is represented by four heavy looking flat trees, two of them capable of rudimentary movement). The crow passes out. The Prince is just sitting around, when the trees begin to moan. Sinister, evil music starts up.
“I am… suf-foc-cat-ting…. Free us…. Free us…. The vines… The vines… The horrible vines…”
(Yes – the two semi-mobile trees have incredibly lifelike green plastic wrapped around them)
The Prince kills the poor innocent vines by ripping them off their hosts. The trees are totally into this and promise their help.

The next night they are accosted by this furry thing while they are eating dinner.
“Gimme food.”
The crow, a Machiavellian, refuses to share with the beggar. “We don’t have enough for two, much less three!”
The Prince, brainless git that he is (see: ‘looking for a wife’) offers the unidentifiable brown animal (with white spots) food. He justifies his generosity with the following brilliant logic: “If there is enough for two, there is enough for three.”
The crow is not liking this at all. At this point, I share his pain. There is a limited amount of food. It is evident, based on the crow’s testimony and the lack of pack animals, that there is barely enough for the two of them. By this logic, a thousand animals could have descended on them and there would have been enough for them too. ‘If there is enough for two, there is enough for 1000?” I think not. Anyway, they feed the rodent/deer/cat (kids badgered their parents/caregivers for an ID on the animal as well. Those seemed to be the most prevalent candidates, although my sister said it was a squirrel). The critter gives them a piece of its fur that can be used to summon it and its buddies. We still don’t know what it is.

At this point, the Prince is (1) out of food, (2) dead tired, (3) and carrying various vital supplies, like a feather and a tuft of fur. There is no sign of useless junk, like, say, a sword or even a club they could use on the witch. The Prince is completely unarmed as he saunters through the wilderness in search of a homicidal, magical maniac. Lucky for him, just then they find the witch’s headquarters.

She is in the middle of concocting her magic potion that will make her uber-powerful. The only ingredient (again) missing is the chopped up fairy flower. This seems to be essential, like potatoes for fries. She brings out this gigantic, razor sharp knife, tests the edge (I winced) and claims that it is too dull for her purposes. I swear I could hear it cut air as she dragged it around in her withered, white claws. Anyway, she goes inside to sharpen it, leaving the Fairy Flower (which seems to attract this condition) completely unattended.

Enter Prince and Crow. They grab the flower and start hauling it off but – bam! – the witch comes out of her lair and uses her wand to summon a cage out of thin air, with a lock. She turns the key, trapping them inside the cage. The Prince is not at all worried, of course – after all, he has animal parts on him! He uses the feather, and the fat yellow bird appears out of thin air.
“What do you want?”
“The key.”
“Okay.” The bird flew INSIDE the witch’s lair, who is apparently too god damned preoccupied with sharpening that knife to notice a grossly fat, bright yellow avian rummaging around her cupboard. The story does not address the possibility that the key is in the witch’s pocket, which would have made the tale vastly more enjoyable for me, for one. She flies out with the key in her beak and delivers it to the Prince, who totally matter of factly opens the cage door, grabs the plant (left unguarded and unattended), and takes off towards the castle, like this was stuff that happened to him on a daily basis.

Aside: So what would have happened to the story if, say, a goat showed up and ate the flower, frustrating all parties (except the goat)? Huh?

So the Witch gives chase. Since they are half starving and been trekking for ages, they are not exactly springing and striding, and she is catching up.

The crow is freaking out. They reach the glade where they killed the vines. The grateful trees tell them to chill – they are going to form ‘a mighty wall’ that will slow down the ugly witch. This they do, by kidnapping the old woman and dragging her somewhere off stage.

Our heroes are still not out of the woods (forgive the pun, please). She has nearly caught them, again, when the Prince decides to use the last Ace in the Hole – the piece of fur in his pocket. We finally learn what the thing is: It is a gopher. We are only given a glimpse of ONE gopher, but he is intimated as a representative member of a large gopher community, capable of performing feats more useful, say, than eating a nut. So the gopher(s) dig a hole and the witch trips in it. Somehow this mighty feat is sufficient to slow down her approach so they get to the castle unharmed.

After she trips, somehow, somewhere, without any indication why, or when, the Witch breaks her wand. It is obviously, totally broken. She keeps saying she can still cast spells with it, but I could tell her heart was not really in it anymore. This was the proverbial writing on the wall, and she knew it.

Prince gets to the castle, where Psychotwinky is just ecstatic to get her damned plant back. The Prince, prime idiot that he is, can’t see past the blonde hair and boobs to the obvious psycho that he is tying himself down to, and asks – again – whether the chippie is ‘for sale’.
The King nearly tries to pull a fast one and only give ½ of the kingdom as dowry, but then realizes this might sour the deal and quickly promises the whole thing.

Suddenly, the Witch arrives! She’s got her broken wand in her hand, casting something totally nasty. The whole tableau is like ‘holy fuck, we are screwed now!’ when, through no act of heroism, in fact, no act of any kind whatsoever, her wand backfires and the nasty ugly witch turns herself into a scarecrow. This was a bit of a letdown – the only comparison I can think of would be Vader finally tracking Luke down in Cloud City, only to stab himself in the head with a defective lightsaber.

The crow picks up the hay filled corpse and body slams it.
Wow, the kids really loved it!

After it became obvious that the show was over, they began to clap and CHANT FOR AN ENCORE. I am NOT kidding.
“Encore, Encore, Encore…” on and on and on.

The bastard adults refused to accommodate them.
This is really the whole story. Bye Bye.

Mr. Fox and Rabbit – Part 6

“Yes – now, I know what it means, but I am sure Dr. Bear doesn’t, so please explain to him what OOYFE is.”
“That’s what I said.”
Mr. Fox intoned with relish. “Out Of Your Mind For Even Thinking About It.”
“I will try to explain it to you in words you will understand, Rabbit. She is… She is like a succulent carrot, jealously guarded by other rabbits, intruding upon my every waking moment with unspoken promises of a vegetable medley.”
“Uhm… Oy.”
“This is all in your head, isn’t it?”
Rabbit chewed on some valerian root.
Mr. Fox said something.
Dr. Bear chuckled. “You need healthy, natural sleep.”
The small shrew (was he really a shrew? Rabbit resolved to look this up sometime. He had an ominous feeling he was really a lupine or a legume, although upon further reflection he discarded the latter as a bean) drew himself up to his full height of 1.9 feet. Sarcasm flowed wide and free from every …nay, syllable is insufficient, from every letter. “I bet she is your, you know, SOULMATE.”
Perfectly Frank blushed and stammered with unbridled, stupid joy. “Oy…!”
Rabbit shut his eyes. In a frozen whisper, he begged. “Can I fry him now, Dr. Bear? The catnip is nearly gone.”
The ursanoid felt sorry for him. “I don’t know how to tell you this… But as long as my ass recreates the dead as gaseous anomalies, frying them is strictly a temporary solution.”
In an effort to break up the awkward tension, Mr. Fox clapped his paws together (the claws clicking like knitting needles in a blender) and yelled out loud. “Well! It’s time for some music!”
Mr. Fox hooked up his I-Pod ® ™ into the tree. The giant oak began to resonate with glorious, crystal clear notes.
“Wow! That’s a really wicked tune, Mr. Fox. What is it?”
The Fox blushed. “Well, actually, this is not ‘tune’ yet. The Tree has a crush on my I-Pod and every time they hook up she breaks into song.”
Rabbit slowly sauntered over to where the white wire plugged into a crack in the wood. His delivery was deadpan. “I am looking at… I am listening to sex between an electronic device and a tree.”
Mr. Fox nodded enthusiastically. “You should hear it when I try to go near her with my old Discman. She would rather kiss a termite.”
The amazing, crystalline sounds faded with a satisfied, resonant sigh. The inside of the tree suddenly filled with cigarette smoke and the notes of Mr. Fox’s I-Pod.
“Jesus Christ Superstar?”
“Pilate and Christ. I don’t like the other songs.”
Dr. Bear frowned. “I liked the last song better.”
“That was not a song, Dr. Bear. That was the tree cumming.”
Perfectly Frank sighed. “You are so crass, Rabbit. Love is a beautiful thing. Why can’t you say …’that was the tree in the throes of passion?”
Rabbit grinned. “Sure. That was – this is the tree in the throes of passion.” He casually plucked the I-Pod’s plug out of the tree (cutting off Pilate passing judgment on the Lord in mid-sentence) and reinserted it in the same motion. The crystalline sounds started up again.
Dr. Bear sighed happily.
Rabbit cocked and swiveled a gigantic, flappy ear, analyzing the sounds. “She sounds a touch frantic.”
Mr. Fox sounded apologetic. “Well, she is used to him coming over, hooking up, doing a short playlist, falling asleep, withdrawing, and leaving.”
The sounds built to a glorious crescendo and started to fade again. Rabbit repeated the procedure, taking his time with the plug, looking for a good crack in the wood.
“Rabbit… The tree is shaking.”

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Worst Come-on EVER

I went to this amazing spa in Budapest. It is marble columns surrounding a pool of 'effervescent water', sort of like a gigantic, rococo cup full of alka seltzer. The fun part was the actual hotspring welling up into pools on the side, separated by sex.

I glance at the overweight, glassy eyed being addressing me. I am standing underneath a jet of hot water, masquerading as a shower. "Uhm. Yes?"
"Take off your pants."
"Excuse me?"
"Take off your pants. The mineral water... The mineral water will HURT your pants."
"Ugh... Thank you for your concern..."
"Mineral water. Mineral water." He ambled off, glancing back at me every once in a while, the folds of fat on his pale, corpslike flesh cascading (is that the right word? if it isn't, it should be) with every step.
(Did you ever think of what an avalanche like that would be like? Someone's corpulent flesh just cascading off their bones? I just did! Does this make me exceedingly STRANGE? You are reading this, aren't you? Now that I infected you with this obscene image, I can sleep.)

So... A friend is coming to visit me on Friday and we are going on a wine tour in Tokaj on Saturday. There is a four day weekend coming up and I still have not found hotel rooms, so there is a DISTINCT POSSIBILITY that we will get there and promptly freeze to death overnight, sort of reenacting the scene in Dumb and Dumber (when they find the money in the briefcase) but we will skip that part and move straight to the death by exposure scene (which never made the movie because it is sort of a downer).

We will be good and drunk, at least, so we won't feel too bad about dying.

Monday, March 07, 2005


So my question is this:

Why am I torn?

I should just sit back, write books, look for some impressionable, ultra hot chippie with good lingeristic fashion sense and settle down to a life of pleasant ego massage.

Is this an option for yours truly?

Hell yes!

Is this the option that will be exercised by yours truly?

Hell no!

(this is where I start talking to myself with varied pronouns. I notice these watershed moments. We notice them. All of us. Do not fear me. Fear HIM).
"So... Instead of living life like Byron on Viagra, you are going to return to America and resume a life of anguished moping around?"
"...uhmmmm... You make it sound so stupid."

On an unrelated note, I went to Ikea today with my sister and my niece. She is exactly like her mother. She stalks the other babies, making them insecure about themselves by being more cute than her overmatched opponent, thereby displacing them with the target mother. She is like a machine. I occasionally saw a likely target and launched her in that direction, sort of like a Fire and Forget missile of cute giggling and adorable phrases.

I am all done with my novel. What am I supposed to do now? I am a wee bit frightened at this point - ok, so maybe I send it out and it gets REJECTED. I have a fragile ego. I don't like rejection. I go from thinking it SUCKS HORRIBLY to thinking it will be a fetish masterpiece of the age. I suspect it will be neither, but I am an all or nothing sort of person. Haha, Freud would have loved my last line - I first wrote ALL FOR NOTHING, then deleted the F. What the hell does this mean? I have no idea.

Mr. Fox and Rabbit - Part 5

“I… see. Would this pseudonym have been, say… James Whitcomb Riley?”
Toad smiled the broad smile of the truly stupid. “Why yes! You have heard of my work?”
“Yes. I have. Alas. Heard. Your… ‘Work’. You LIVED in the late 1800s.”
“Exactly! It’s wonderful that you like my work.”
“This reminds me of a scene from The Scorpion King.” Said Mr. Fox.
Dr. Bear sighed and pondered the size and shape of his ass. Could it have served as a sort of an incubator of life? Could it have taken the molecules of Mr. Fox and truly recombined them, skipping conception? He looked around nervously. Does this miracle make him a candidate for sainthood, and if so, how will this event change his life? These are typical thoughts coursing through the golf ball sized brain of a 2000 pound ursanoid.
Rabbit pointedly ignored the interruption. “I did not say I liked his work.”
“So there is this part where the Rock ties this rope to his camel and he rappels down the line to the to the enemy camp…”
“Oy, you didn’t. But this poem is from a book entitled ‘the best loved poems of James Whitcomb Riley’. They would not have named it that way if they were not the best loved poems.”
“…but the camel is stubborn and it lays down just as the Rock is getting to the guards and he is discovered…”
Dr. Bear scratched his ass with great reverence.
Rabbit shut his eyes. “You are right. You are absolutely right.”
“…only to end up in a tent with this amazingly hot Asian chick who is dripping wet. But all is not good – his brother is killed. Don’t you think?”
Dr. Bear carefully examined the sad remnants of the joint in his hand. He did not look at Mr. Fox. He did not whisper. It was all a steady, droning monotone, as if the output tray of his brain was simply full and he had to unload the contents before he could move on. “If I blow on this roach… Will there be two of you?”
Rabbit grinned. “I always see double when I’m blown. So, tell me, who inspired your love poetry?”
“To be perfectly frank, it’s a Married Coworker Who Thinks I’m Completely Insane (McWtici)”
“Brilliant. You are just too brilliant, Toad. Tell me more about this CATCH.”
Dr. Bear considered Mr. Fox and the roach in his paw. If Mr. Fox was sucked into the roach, AND came out of his ass… What could possibly explain this dichotomy? A gaseous anomaly! He felt intense relief when he realized this explained everything. He faced Toad. “Yes – what does she think about your love poems? Do they work? Does she get teary eyed?”
Rabbit grinned (fixedly, still). “Does she get naked?”
“Well… She does not get naked.”
“Complete waste of time, then.”
“Oy… Sort of figured that after she blew me off the 91st time.”
“Smoke some more catnip, Toad.”
They all smoked catnip with industrial efficiency, duly commiserating with Perfectly Frank.
They smoked catnip until they were within a thick cloud of exciting, colorful smoke; clingy and needy, yet too attractive to leave. Rabbit’s shrill voice somehow crawled its way free.
“….pped the Studebaker. I know exactly where you are, Toad. I had the exact same problem two years ago: There was this fluffy little bunny with the cutest, tightest ass. At least I hope she was a bunny. Once I saw that ass I was a goner, totally lovestruck. I saw the ass in the meadow and humped it until I passed out. When I woke up it was gone.”
“Uhm… Rabbit, how does this bear even the most remote resemblance to Toad’s OOYMFETAI?”
“Well, Mr. Fox, a couple of things… Correct me if I am wrong, Toad, but your lady love has an ass, does she not?”
“You said a couple of things.”
“Yes – now, I know what it means, but I am sure Dr. Bear doesn’t, so please explain to him what OOYFE is.”
“That’s what I said.”
Mr. Fox intoned with relish. “Out Of Your Mind For Even Thinking About It.”

Friday, March 04, 2005

Gorgeous Model Tries to have Sex with Me as Aliens Land and Name ME Governor General of Milky Way Galaxy (that would be YOUR galaxy)

The neverending thrills and joys of my life continue unabated. Obviously, the title says it all. There is really no point in sullying my hands and your mind with the gory details. The amusing part of this is that I have friends who would think about the above title and honestly ponder if I was telling the truth.

On an unrelated note, I finished my erotic novel. I have the usual problems with the final draft. First of all, I am confused on several important pseudo historical points. My view is that this is not a history book – this will be purchased by horny men at the airport. As long as it fits in their pocket and matches their particular fetishes, what do they care? Still, there will be some horny nerdling who will no doubt write the publisher about ‘my neglect of historical fact’ so I will head off those annoying whines by taking your anticipated issues, one at a time:
1. “Women did not wear 5 inch stiletto heels in the middle ages.” Well, okay, so I call them dancing shoes nine out of ten times. (Uh… Yes – there are MANY references to slutty shoes. Sue me!) Maybe women SHOULD have worn them – nobody would have treated them like second hand citizens if they wore come-fuck-me pumps, I guarantee that. Also, some of them are not 5 inch stiletto heels – they are 6 inch stiletto heels.
2. “People stank. They barely ever washed. It was considered unsanitary.” I don’t actually discuss if any of the characters stink. I talk about perfume and scent and what not, but not the underlying stench of their body odour (note the subtle, snobby-cool use of the British spelling).
3. “Your characters don’t talk in brogue or acceptable medieval language.” Now, when I masturbate, I like to engage in elaborate linguistic analysis to go along with the images of luscious sin pervading my subconscious. Obviously, I do not assume the same for my readers. If this is a fatal flaw, run me through with a pointy vibrator.
4. I don’t have a 4, but 4 is my magic number.

Writing sex made me realize how ignorant I am of …the appropriate descriptions necessary for its mechanics. Think about it. The next time you have sex, write it down. In the most elaborate detail you are capable of. “She laid on her back and I entered her and she screamed and screamed and we both came” just simply is NOT GOOD ENOUGH. In fact, “she got on all fours and screamed and screamed and we both came and the donkey just brayed with anguish” is NOT GOOD ENOUGH. There must be a thoroughly shifted gradient of filth filling the tributary of sensual awareness (wow – I think I will write that down – hey, I just did! This is the sort of thing you write a blog for – coming up with good lines that you could write in a book or an article and make money with, but instead, you put it on your blog, which makes you no money whatsoever).

:: sigh :: now I want to put a poem on this blog and I can’t because I promised I wouldn’t and I am now officially resenting this restriction because THIS poem is so on point… It is called Cherry Pie and it really would fit here. Oh well. This is my life – circumscribed.

Unrelated note 2: I found an eyeglass frame – it is completely wild and wickedly cool and it is made of titanium and you should send me lots of money to support my titanium habit. (So now that I see habit I think of the nun’s uniform not the ingrained set of behavior customarily referred… blah blah blah…

Mr. Fox and Rabbit - Part 4

“Oy! Seeming is believing.” Perfectly Frank covered his mouth with both hands and made small whimpering sounds begging for forgiveness.
Rabbit slowly walked over to Toad and patted his knee, exactly one pat every two seconds. A rhythmic twitch seemed to have taken temporary residency in his left eyelid. “So… so. Do tell me what you do, Toad.”
“I am …I am a POET!”
“Ain’t that a corker.” Somewhere under the rainbow lay a bottle of vodka. Rabbit suckled on it.
“Rabbit loves poetry.” Dr. Bear shoved Perfectly Frank. “More!” He pointed at the sad, spent roach in between his primary and his secondary claw with his tongue.
“Oh all right.” Perfectly Frank rolled another joint.
“You didn’t say Oy.” Mr. Fox sounded reproachful. “You have to remain consistent, Perfectly.”
“Oy.” He passed the joint to Dr. Bear.
“That’s better.”
“So what kind of a poetry do you write?” Through the cloud of vodka vapors wafting from his lips, Rabbit sounded interested.
“LOVE poetry, of course.”
Dr. Bear cleared his throat.
“What is it, Dr. Bear?”
Dr. Bear stared fixedly at someone OUTSIDE of this plane of existence. His voice was unhappy, accusatory. “You said you would not put your poetry on this blog.”
Rabbit grinned. “Wow. That is some really wicked catnip, Toad. Dr. Bear thinks he is part of a piece of metafiction.”
“What if he is?” Mr. Fox placed his lips around the burning end of Dr. Bear’s joint and sucked on it. He seemed unaffected by the burn. For a frozen moment both of the smokers tried to force the smoke to go in their respective direction, until, finally, predictably, Dr. Bear’s greater lung capacity triumphed. He sucked and sucked and sucked. Mr. Fox’s red furry shape was sucked into the joint along with the smoke.
“Now there is something you don’t see every day.”
“Oy to that.”
“Read me some of your poetry.”
“I can’t. I can recite some, though.”
“You nitpicking maggot. Recite some of your poetry.”
Perfectly Frank cleared his throat. “Here we go…”

Wunst our hired girl, when she
Got the supper, an’ we all et,
An’ it was night, an’ Ma an’ me
An’ Pa went wher’ the “Social” met –
An’ nen when we come home, an’ see
A light in the kitchen-door, an’ we
Heerd a maccordeun, Pa says “Lan’-
O’-Gracious! Who can her beau be?
An’ I marched in, an’ ‘Lizabuth Ann
Wuz parchin’ corn fer the Raggedy Man!
Better say
“Clear out o’ the way!
They’s time for work, an’ time fer play!
Take the hint, an’ run, Child; run!
Er we cain’t git no courtin’ done!”

“Oh my God.”
“Oy! It’s wickedly good, isn’t it?”
“Oh my God.”
Dr. Bear looked around nervously. Rabbit’s prayers tended to get results. This was directly attributable to Rabbit’s stance on God. God helps those who help themselves, so, Rabbit was frequently assisted by God. Presumably, God has not yet assisted the small shrew – for a moment Dr. Bear lost his train of thought, since he started to think about whether rabbits were shrews – since he had not yet asked for anything. He simply addressed God.
“If it is good.” Rabbit spoke in clipped, curt tones. “I am not meant to live.”
Perfectly Frank did not look happy. “What was wrong with it?”
“Where do you want me to start? First of all, what the hell is a ‘maccordeun’? Why is your character talking like a retarded child? How dare you take the E away from Elizabeth to force a rhyme couplet? How dare you?” A fat tear fell from Rabbit’s gigantic red eyes.
“Maccordeun… uhm… yes…. Well, the thing about that….”
“You don’t know, do you?”
“Well, it isn’t that I don’t know…”
“You did not write this …poem, did you?”
“Well, I wrote it under a pseudonym.”
“I… see. Would this pseudonym have been, say… James Whitcomb Riley?”
Toad smiled the broad smile of the truly stupid. “Why yes! You have heard of my work?”
“Yes. I have. Alas. Heard. Your… ‘Work’. You LIVED in the late 1800s.”
“Exactly! It’s wonderful that you like my work.”
“This reminds me of a scene from The Scorpion King.” Said Mr. Fox.


“Defense elements, engage on my command.”
“Sir, showing multiple bogies converging on Earth. System defenses bypassed.”
Kanal sighed. “Execute general order thirteen. Now.”
“Now, son.”
The ensign stared at the admiral for a long moment. He silently shook his head and stood away from his station.
Admiral Andras Kanal drew his sidearm. “Liutenant Grey. Execute general order thirteen.”
Fresh out of the academy, Grey was textbook officer material. He snapped into attention when Kanal addressed him. He did not hesitate. “Nossir.”
Kanal shot Grey in the head. The liutenant collapsed at his station, bright red blood soaking through the sensor pod beneath his crumpled corpse. He turned to the grizzled veteran manning the weapons station.
“Execute general order thirteen, Colonel Smith.”
“Yessir. Will that be with cream AND sugar?”

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Neurological Consultation Devolved Into Advice to Get Laid

"Well, I believe most of your symptoms are psychosomatic. Not all, just most. You think this shunt in your head is a stigma - a lot of people live with a shunt. It is completely normal. All it is is an insurance policy incase those cells start dividing again. You should just relax and stop worrying about it 24-7. If you really want I will take it out - I don't think you need it anymore - but there is always a danger of infection if I touch it, and there is a chance of a brain hemorrhage as well. You are completely healthy compared to the patients in this ward."
"I see."
"Really, what you need is to think about something other than your condition. How have you been doing with the ladies?"
"Have you been going out, trying to get some action?"
"How old are you? (subtext: are you some kind of a pansyass sissy?)"
"Aaah! 34! You should be out there trying to drum up some business."
"I... see. So instead of getting surgery for my spine or correcting the problems with the shunt, I should try to get some action."
"Yes, you've got it. It's mostly just hysterics. Stop worrying so much. You are not really sick."

Mr. Fox and Rabbit - Part 3

Bear handed the joint over to Rabbit. His face was a blank, wondrous page in a long lost book of paradise. “mmmmmm….”
Rabbit sighed and accepted. He shrugged and breathed in the smoke. “Interesting.”
“Interesting. Your moan was timed.”
“That one too. It was exactly the same length as the other moans.”
“To be perfectly frank, this weed is meant to do that.”
“Is that so?” Rabbit’s voice sounded so pleasant, so friendly, Bear began to tremble through the haze of psychosomatic pleasure. He busied himself with the elimination of the ash-stained honey puddle.
“That… That is just sick, Dr. Bear. I really consider myself lucky to call you my friend.”
“So, Perfectly Frank, tell me of your life.”
“I work at a…”
Rabbit ran up to Toad and hopped on his shoulder before he could finish. He violently screamed into his left ear. “SILENCE ASSHOLE. DID I ASK WHERE YOU WORKED? I DID NOT ASK WHERE YOU WORKED. I ASKED WHAT YOU DID. ARE YOU YOUR JOB? WHAT IS THIS, PLYMOUTH ROCK?”
Perfectly Frank blinked. “Hey dude… You are, like, weird!”
Rabbit collapsed into a self-contained, fuzzy white capsule of simmering rage. “Am I weird or am I normal? Make a decision, asshole. If I am ‘like’ weird, I am sure the English language contains a word that is actually ON POINT, thereby allowing you to name my ‘like weird’ state exactly, further permitting me to let you leave this tree ALIVE.”
“Enlightenment can sometimes leave a man struggling to find words to express himself.” Mr. Fox smiled like a benevolent monarch on a tour of the colonies.
“But… but… you are dead. I’ve killed you!”
“Do you see a body?”
Rabbit looked around.
Dr. Bear burped.
Rabbit sighed. “No! I think you were eaten by Dr. Bear. You really should visit a shrink about this scavenging problem, Dr. Bear.”
“How did I die?”
“I cremated you, alive.”
“Then I would have to have ashes.”
“I believe your ashes wafted on the floor where they mixed with the honey that was lapped up by Dr. Bear.”
“So… what does this mean, Rabbit?”
Dr. Bear and Perfectly Frank looked from Rabbit to Mr. Fox like spectators at a tennis match. Perfectly Frank turned to Dr. Bear. In a tone befitting a Jedi master, he intoned: “I am thinking love 40 at the tiebreak of the first set.”
Dr. Bear, terrified that he would be forced to admit that he did not know what tennis was, begrudgingly nodded. “Could be, could be.”
Mr. Fox patiently explained. “Without a body, there is no evidence of the murder. Without the murder, there is no death. Without death, I am alive. It is so simple, really. Such is the burden of enlightenment.”
“Of course, there is an alternative. I mean, other than Dr. Bear shitting you out, your molecules fully recombined in his fat ass.” Rabbit grinned and patted Perfectly Frank on the shoulder. “This is some gooood catnip.”
“You prefer catnip to enlightenment?” Fox seemed ready to debate the theological implications.
“I am not ready to debate the theological implications.”
Fox looked bitter. “But I seem ready.”
“Oy! Seeming is believing.” Perfectly Frank covered his mouth with both hands and made small whimpering sounds begging for forgiveness.
Rabbit slowly walked over to Toad and patted his knee, exactly one pat every two seconds. A rhythmic twitch seemed to have taken temporary residency in his left eyelid. “So… so. Do tell me what you do, Toad.”
“I am …I am a POET!”