Saturday, April 09, 2005

Mr. Fox and Rabbit - Part 10

“Succulent… Tasteee…. Protein… mining….”
“Oy? What… what are you doing?”
“Yes, very refreshing.” Rabbit examined his reflection in the fishbowl. “Handsome as ever!”
“…Succulent…. Tasteeeeee….. Mmmhmmm…..”
"I really enjoy the sound of the silence."
"Permit me to savor the strange sour depiction of this murder."
"I permit you."
"It really should be: You have my permission."
"NO. I permit you to EXIST."
"You are not nice, Rabbit."
Dr. Bear walked in. He grinned slowly, licking his chops. "Prrrrrooooteeeein Meeeeeeeyyyning."
"Splendid job ol' chap! Good work!"
"prrro... Prooo.... Oy, it was."
"Oy! I enjoyed the tastyness! Now I must go and call McWtii..."
"My precioussss.... My precioussss...."
Rabbit sidled close to a corkscrew. He picked it up and pressed it against Dr. Bear's forehead. "The power of god compells you! The power of god compells you!"
"Isn't it compel?"
"Who cares? Toad possessed Dr. Bear. Is possessing him. Now. Currently."
"Well, that makes sense, doesn't it? I mean, you made him eat him."
"Is he actually dead? I mean... Did he eat him completely?"
"Oy! Tasteeee.... Protein mining..."
"In that case, he would be alive."
"Let us examine the evidence. With him dead, we own a Suzuki Samurai."
"Obviously he must be dead."
"I am indescribably horny."
"You tend to be, Rabbit, you tend to be."
"Dr. Bear, does McWtii put out?"
"Noy... She is a creature of light and energy, my best friend and my soulm..."
Rabbit's foot was entirely immersed inside Dr. Bear's surprised maw. "SILENCE. HER IRRELEVANT ATTRIBUTES MEAN NOTHING TO ME UNLESS SHE IS WILLING TO SERVICE ME."
"I really think you should remove your leg from Dr. Bear's mouth... Before he begins to explore new veins of protein, say, in your leg."
"Uhm. Good point."


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