Saturday, February 25, 2006

insipid beast!

I did not die or nuttin', I just went to Austria for a week, to ski, with 56 college students. When I get some of the pictures I will write a big fat post. For now, just envy me.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

US to resume weapon shipments to Iran

Church of Ham

Bored out of my mind I ran a Google search for 'sonka'. In Hungarian, sonka means ham.

Southwest Ohio Northern Kentucky Association (SONKA)
Ohio Conference United Church of Christ.

I wonder if they know they are a Church of Ham.

On my island kingdom,

I will have a flock of raven friends. We will hang out in the evening and have pleasant cups of steaming hot tea, Darjeeling. Once in a while the boys will come by for beer (the Platypi).

Friday, February 10, 2006


I love Egyptologists.
I love them because they are socially inept academics who are simply incapable of dealing with the media spotlight.
I like people like that.

The valley of the kings - I still think they will unearth some mummy housing some freakazoid virus which will wipe everyone out (except for a small band of people including me and 22 vixens of my choice).

I am angry about the Danish cartoons because they are INCOMPLETE. They didn't address the fact that Mohammed simply COULDN'T TAKE A FUCKING JOKE.
Get over it, people. It's a cartoon!!! I hate censorship - the only thing I hate more than conventional censorship is SELF censorship.


University of Memphis found a bunch of mummies... Nifty. I am waiting for some utterly absurd archeological find, like some inexplicable runestones or a jade monkey hovering on thin air. Big bloody deal, a couple of mummies. How about some exciting shards of pottery! Wow!

I wish I lived in the distant past - I would have made up perplexing meaningless drawings to puzzle future archeologists. Enormous, winged pigs carved into rocks, performing medical research and building ships, carbon dated to 12000 BC.

Why do I like this name: 'Frank Rappaport'? Why?

Thursday, February 02, 2006


I hate, I hate, I hate
Adobe Acrobat.

No, I do not create documents using Adobe Acrobat. However, when I click on an URL, I do NOT want to see an Adobe Acrobat document. No, I do not want to UPDATE my software. No, I do not want to WAIT so I can see 21342 pages of CRAP.

When I become Tyrant I will DESTROY Adobe Acrobat.

Now I want to talk about Democracy.

"We support free elections and we come in our panties thinking about the collective will of the people blah blah blah. That is, assuming, that the victors of said election AGREE with us. Cause' if they don't, they are TERRORISTS."
"So... you don't actually support demo..." (secret service agents drag reporter away)
"Now that the TERRORIST SYMPATHIZER has been neutralized and taken to Cuba, we can discuss how great we are."

Oh yeah - only we and our trusty allies can have Nukes. Because others should not have nukes. They should not have Nukes because they are IRRESPONSIBLE WARMONGERS. If they had nukes, they might think they can start wars willy-nilly with impunity.

Democracy is great. It is great because people in office as a matter of general principle must ignore the long-term interests of the people, because people in general are retarded morons who can't see past their paycheck and the light beer/chickenwings/Everclear/porn it potentially keeps them supplied with.

So: I think it's HIGH TIME for TWP tyranny. I will NOT be an enlightened despot. I will have an army of hot babes in sleek curve-hugging uniforms wearing stiletto heels. I will also fund genetic engineering research to create Smurfs. Yes, they have to be blue. Yes, there can only be ONE female. Yes, they have to be 4 inches tall.