Two Minnesota Vikings plead guilty to misdemeanor charges on the party boat... blah blah...
Wow. I mean, that had to be a hell of a party.
'Smoot was charged with using a sex toy on two female dancers in front of crew members during the cruise on Lake Minnetonka on Oct. 5. McKinnie had been accused of performing oral sex on a dancer in a public area of the boat. '
My only questions are these: who was offended by this? Why did they file a complaint? Why did the prosecutor run with it?
This reminds me of a case where this guy got an attack of conscience and turned over all this priceless archeological pottery to the government instead of selling it on the black market. Result: imbecile was CHARGED with a federal crime and he is now sitting in jail.
Why? Because it was a slam-dunk case for a 27 year old prosecutor with a tiny dick and an inflated ego. Because for people like that there is no such a thing as prosecutorial discretion.
These two cases, appearing slightly unrelated, have one thing in common:
Now I must buy my illicit sex and ancient pottery in secret. I can never have an attack of conscience and send flowers and candy to the stripper I used a sex toy on to the limit of human endurance, or hand over the Maya clay tablet depicting the alien landing of 344AD in the Yucatan peninsula - all because I would be arrested and thrown in the dungeons.
'Smoot was charged with using a sex toy on two female dancers in front of crew members during the cruise on Lake Minnetonka on Oct. 5. McKinnie had been accused of performing oral sex on a dancer in a public area of the boat. '
My only questions are these: who was offended by this? Why did they file a complaint? Why did the prosecutor run with it?
This reminds me of a case where this guy got an attack of conscience and turned over all this priceless archeological pottery to the government instead of selling it on the black market. Result: imbecile was CHARGED with a federal crime and he is now sitting in jail.
Why? Because it was a slam-dunk case for a 27 year old prosecutor with a tiny dick and an inflated ego. Because for people like that there is no such a thing as prosecutorial discretion.
These two cases, appearing slightly unrelated, have one thing in common:
Now I must buy my illicit sex and ancient pottery in secret. I can never have an attack of conscience and send flowers and candy to the stripper I used a sex toy on to the limit of human endurance, or hand over the Maya clay tablet depicting the alien landing of 344AD in the Yucatan peninsula - all because I would be arrested and thrown in the dungeons.