Sunday, October 30, 2005

First Annual Erotica Pen Name Contest

I have to come up with a good pen name for my filth.

I am looking for submissions. On my publisher's recommendation, I will be publishing under a woman's name, since those books sell better.

The ideal submission would be hot, but not so hot as to sound preposterous and made up, yet memorable enough to remember while meandering through the erotica aisle with a monstrous hard-on, furtively hiding from the wife.

Once there is a winner, this blog entry will be deleted so that people who google the name will not find this blog, but you, the Winner, shall live on, immortal in tawdry sin.

Love you all


Blogger Coach Leahy said...

Brit Tanner
Sally Rider
Tift Merrit
Sandra Ruckus
Leslie More

Adrianna Dunn

6:51 PM  
Blogger Joe said...

Holy crap. This blows all of my shitty contests right out of the water. Can I pimp this for you, drive some more traffic to this?

The only suggestion I have is horrible. It's my porn star name (first pet + first street): Muffin Jefferson.

8:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Porn name: Mine would be Jezebel 34A. For real. Yep, my porn name has a bra size in it.

5:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, right... Back to your contest. Is your target audience male or female?

5:31 PM  
Blogger Balázsy András said...

Target audience is male, but not entirely so. I guess what I am saying is that males will be turned on a lot and women will be either very much lesbians or they will find it funny.

10:33 AM  
Blogger Joe said...

Or both, maybe? Lesbians with a sense of humor are my favorite kind.

4:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Virginia Coxwell

7:04 PM  

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