Monday, October 24, 2005

More Insane Ideas

I have known about this for some time but since I am kind of interested in apocalyptic events, I found this! Much more likely than a giant meteorite! So it is not a planet killer, but it would be NEWS!!!

How do we help bring this about? I suspect blogging in and of itself is not going to do it. I keep running into the problem that I need a THERMONUCLEAR DEVICE and scientists of some kind (in this case, a team of volcanologists) to accomplish the relevant goal.

I also thought of writing the book (very Michael Crichton (did I spell that right??)) about a terrorist attack meant to trigger this event, but it would take a lot of science. So if you are reading this and you are a volcanologist I will cut you in for 20 percent and write the whole thing. I just need a lot of cool movie of the week volcano technobabble.


Blogger Joe said...

Nice. Too bad I'm not a volcanologist. If I fake it, can I get 10%?

5:06 AM  

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