Saturday, January 19, 2008

Mumra, the Ever Living

One of my erotic novels was recognized. It's a nice boost, I was very happy, I won't say what it was 'cause then you will know who I am and that would scare me. I just finished writing up the interview that they asked for.

Just finished intravenous treatment. Neck pain is somewhat less and the dizzyness is less too. But something must be done about the intermittent numbness in the limbs and the head and the cold eyes and what not. It is pretty obvious that the problem is not the brain, it is my spine. So on Tuesday I am going to a funky spine clinic that does nothing but spine stuff. I am pretty sure that my doctor is so focused on my history with the tumor that he is viewing the neck thing as a side issue.

Going to see King Lear at the theater! Can't wait. When and if I am going through a breakup I will go see Othello.

There are three books on my desk next to the laptop. I use all three as reference materials for the current book: Holy Bible, Grimm's Fairy Tales, The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and (ok, four) Viking Myths.
It's gonna be a great book!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Pig!!! That is amazing news! Remember that success is teamwork. Send thank you notes to your people who contributed to the novel’s success, send you test reader a check along with a note: ’This is your bonus, I am truly thankful, keep up the great work’ or something like this. Spread you positive emotions to the people in your universe. Remember, what you give out you get it back. Spread generosity. Donate some money to a local cancer research organization. It gives off a beautiful signal to the universe that you have plenty to share. And it will come back to you in all forms of wealth.

2:07 PM  

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