Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Update Galore

I am getting intravenous drip to decrease the inflammation of my spine. It is helping with the pain a little bit. But the dizzyness and the vision problems are getting worse. My doctor is reviewing the Acetate PET scan. He does not look happy.

The Acetate PET scan showed a resurgent tumor. Not big but there is something there that is not normal. That was about 8 months ago I think.

My left side is numb. My right arm is numb. My right fingers are numb. My left hand is getting numb.

Icy cold fingers, sharp lavender tingles.

The left side of my head is cold. My right eye is cold.
Painted on Monday night. It's pretty. I will post it later.
Sent out the first 40 pages of the book to be test-read by some friends.

I read all your comments and appreciate the input. When I got the thing in the first place, yes, I agree, I caused it. But now I want to live and to grow and to create. I don't want to die yet. I would be willing to make a deal: 3 years of perfect health. For that, I would be willing to give a lot. Incidentally I had an ex gf whose initials were JMD. I don't believe she would appreciate my appearance. I am making up for past regrets now, I have reached that stage in my life. So I am dizzy and in pain despite an overwhelming desire to live and fly.

Then again all this may be just a false alarm and my spine might be fucking me up. In that case it's still not good but I am hoping it will get better. I don't know. It's hard to concentrate.

I am taking each day at a time. Each day is a universe in and of itself. It starts with coffee and breakfast and vitamins and ends on-line with friends or live with friends. I am loved and people care for me and I have a wonderful apartment and I am writing my fifth book and it is GREAT, in all honesty, it makes no compromises at all.

My left foot is numb.
This is a whiny entry.


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