Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I have just decided to make hot sandwiches for breakfast. I love hot sandwiches. I use smoked ham, tomatoes, two kinds of cheese, fresh bread, olives. I bake all this, sprinkle the result with black pepper and salt, and drink coffee and orange juice on the side. This will be my morning project. But first I have to go and buy ingredients.

Yes, anynomous (I know I misspelled that), a new book came out in the UK in October and in the US in November. It is under my pen name and top secret and what not so I won't talk about it here... Hopefully the new book will be out under my name and I will be able to talk about it.

Brain MRI is on the 27th. I am not worried about it. I just don't feel like there is anything in there that I am supposed to worry about.

I will be on the blog more often now. There might be a Mr. Fox and Rabbit too.
And I am painting! I painted an apple yesterday. I skewered it with a paintbrush and put it in the center of a bowl of water that I poured some red wine in. I called the picture Staked Vampire Apple. I will post a picture of it, eventually.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do not forget to post the latest news on your fate. How are things going on with your next book? And the dating project? Wish you all the best!

8:08 AM  

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