Saturday, January 28, 2006

Mr. Fox and Rabbit - the Keeper of the Cheese - Part I

"Decrepit beast!" cried Rabbit.
"What?" said Mr. Fox, startled. He held the ice cream cone with a single paw.
"What?" said Dr. Bear, staring straight ahead. He espied a house on yonder hill.
"I espy a house on yonder hill," he said.
"Splendid," groaned Rabbit. "Is it Benny's?"
"Well, no."
"It's yours, Rabbit. I saw the will..."
"Oh yeah... right." They drove up the hill and walked up to the door. Even the doorknocker was made of cheese!
"You don't have any keys, do you?"
Rabbit frowned and fished out the carkeys. "Maybe one of these..." he trailed off since Dr. Bear bit into the doorknocker, followed by the door, and consumed it. "I guess we don't need the keys after all," he said in a flat monotone.
"I guess not," came a bitter reply from the kitchen.
"Who are YOU?" asked Rabbit.
"Flash Gordon, quarterback, New York Jets," supplied Dr. Bear with admirable joie de vivre. "I always wanted to say that."
"Here we are," began Mr. Fox with the pedantic air of a virgin countess after her first gangbang, "and we are in the cheese!"


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