Monday, April 03, 2006


I wish I had a digital camera. Finally mailed the query letter, synopsis and first 52 pages of my psychothriller horror novel to my hoped-for literary agent in California. Let me tell you, the envelope was dripping in the coolest stamps on Earth. There were these huge things that were paintings and lots of other stamps too... It looked awesome.

Typically, I sent it to the most highly respected agent on the planet. Pig doesn't mess around with anything but the best. Her agency accepts 2% of submissions. Could I have revised the book to be better? Yes. I could have. But I am tired of working on it, truth be told. It's been 8 months of work (although not every single day). I just want to go to New Zealand and eat mutton, wash it down with a pitcher of harsh green Sauvignon Blanc and watch the sun rise.

I'll be back later, I have to recover my phone (I left it at the business card place). This is the second time I lost my phone over the past three weeks.


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