Thursday, December 29, 2005


I got some books, some theater tickets, a concert ticket, a beautiful oak toilet seat with brass fittings, some woven baskets and a Beethoven CD. I also got a coffee maker I do not need...

Csilla (TWPGF) gave me the best presents, namely two Somerset Maugham books (including The Magician, something I always wanted to read - I mean, I used to own the Aleister Crowley tarot cards) and the Beethoven cd.

I gave Csilla a cardigan. A really nice one. She picked it out. This is entirely unlike me - I usually pick stuff but my resources were limited and she is picky enough for me to be too nervous about relying on my own judgment.

Usually I really rake in a rich haul but this Christmas was somewhat lacking. It's different when you live with the family, the novelty isn't there anymore - you get stuff all the time, it doesn't pile up all year until you get there for Christmas.

All my stuff has been shoved in a storage unit. It wasn't donated to Goodwill. Hopefully it will be shipped here sometime in the spring.

I got my signature advance for my first book! It's in British Pounds! I guess I will have to find a bank. It's drawn on Barclays - there is no Barclays in Budapest... I suppose I will deposit it straight up, although this sort of thing sure takes time when it's in a foreign currency. No matter.

The Travel Channel turns into Hustler TV at 11PM every night. Unfortunately, I don't have the Travel Channel. Everyone else seems to. Bastards.

In light of the relatively light Christmas haul I gifted myself with a TV. Let me tell you, I've tried to be an uppity writer intellectual snob for a few months - but without a TV I am entirely computer reliant for my entertainment and computers are too bloody interactive. I waste hours on end surfing the web and looking at people's blogs. I check other people's blogs every 23 seconds out of sheer boredom - it's just a psychotic thing.

I am supposed to be doing translation work right now but I'm bored...

The new TV looks really cool, BTW. It has a blue light in the bottom right corner. Very cool!

I bought my niece this magnetic Mr. Potato Head thing where you can attach different body parts to the basic potato head design... I was drawn to it at the toy store. As I stood in line (extending all the way to Luxembourg) I noticed a terrifying line of toys. They were fat baby dolls (which would have been okay) dressed like whores (which was somehow wrong) and they were called Trendy Friend. I am not kidding you, the fuckin' things were called Trendy Friend. Chubby dolls for 3 year olds dressed like underage Hentai hookers.

I am a big fan of Hentai, by the way, but these dolls were just WRONG.

BBC World is talking about Pope Benedict. I am waiting for him to call for a crusade against the infidels in a thick German accent. That would be cool.

Supposedly Benedict developed a reputation as 'the listening Pope'. Shit. I can do that. Pope Pig, the Listening Pig. Now gimme that golden chalice and mapquest directions to the nearest pawnshop, Cardinal Beeboppp.

Jesus. Some absurdly well dressed fool is doing the weather for BBC world. That is one wicked cool green suit with a pale grey silk tie. Naturally, some godforsaken Brit.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chubby dolls for three-year-olds dressed like hookers.

Sadly, there seem to be too many small children dressed like hookers.

7:02 PM  

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