Friday, April 07, 2006

A fantasy novel

Ok, we've covered erotica and psychodrama...
Fantasy, we haven't done that yet, at least not in a publishable form.

There are problems with the idea though.
First off, nobody in their right mind buys a 100000 word fantasy novel. They want a trilogy at a minimum (barebones that's 300000 words) - I simply don't have that kind of time or perseverance. I mean, it took me 8 months to write the psychodramahorror and that was only 100000 words (ok, 102k, but hey).

I also don't have the knowledge base. I can write freaky dialogue and come up magic items, sure... even relics, religions, cities, histories, mythologies, weather, climate, and odd looking animals. However I have no idea about how things work - take horseback riding. I know what a gelding is, but that's about it... Saddle, bit and bridle, blah blah blah... I can't really look this up on Wikipedia and sound like I know what I'm talking about...

So I will walk you through this concept to test the waters, so to speak:
No horses (I guess there can be some kind of hoof and mouth disease epidemic... takes less time to research than the whole horseback riding crap).
War (I hate non-dynamic universes).
Magic but very few magic-users.
Non-static, devolving world. Elves... but fucked up, weird elves. There will only be about 6 of them (combined in the whole race).

I am thinking Elric of Melnibone meets... uhm.... A Bridge Too Far.
I guess.


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