Hot Cheerleaders Caught in Bathroom Lesbian Orgy

TAMPA (Nov. 7, 2005) -- Two Carolina Panthers cheerleaders were arrested at a bar where witnesses told police the women were having sex in a restroom stall, angering patrons waiting in line.
Renee Thomas, 20, of Pittsboro, N.C., and Angela Keathley, 26, of Belmont, N.C., were taken to Hillsborough County Jail early Nov. 6. Witnesses said the women were having sex with each other in a stall at the club in the Channelside district.
This is a true story. I have a couple of comments on this:
1. The 'patrons' was really just one pissed off woman who was waiting in line. She was pissed off for the following reasons:
1. she had had to pee,
2. these women were too hot and they had to be taken down a notch,
3. her would be boyfriend has been drooling over them all night
4. and they had the gall to have sex with one another in a club bathroom, something she never would have had the guts to do.
2. These women are being charged with stuff now and they will never cheer again (except in softcore porn).
What is the likely outcome of this little jaunt? I suspect these chicks will appear in Playboy and Penthouse, get a gigantic book deal, a pictorial in Maxim, and end up dating celebrities, probably ending up in a sordid foursome marriage with Charlie Sheen and his maid.
spot on with numbers 1-4. Hell hath no fury like an ugly chick who's jealous of some hot cheerleaders.
Clearly, the girl they fought with is some kind of cave troll whose boyfriend was rubbing up on said hotties (in his mind) all night.
"What are you looking at?"
"uh, nothing. did you say something?"
What is this country coming to if hot cheerleaders can't have lesbian sex in a bathroom stall? I'm sure in countries such as Hungary, that sort of delightful behavior is winked at or even encouraged.
Exactly. I mean, the cop that made the arrest must have been SO GAY, or a woman. Can you imagine any cop with a functional penis NOT 'let them get off' with a warning?
so really, they got lucky.
where can i get me one of these?
or two?
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