Clever Boy

I was walking uphill on this long set of stairs to the castle (there is a castle on the Buda side, it's rather pretty) when a dog (the kind of dog on the picture) appears at the top of the stairs. He is alone, wearing a red collar (ok, could be a she, didn't look for a penis). Anyway, I stare at him, because he is CARRYING A LETTER IN HIS MOUTH. I can make out two stamps, it is addressed to someone and it is NOT junkmail.
The dog has this exceptionally purposeful stride to him. He looks at me and trots past.
At this point I had already come to a screeching halt and staring at the beast.
He veered to the left (a small bit of weed infested lawn) and dropped the letter. He looked at me; no - he MEASURED me.
Obviously I was found wanting because WHILE HE WAS WATCHING ME he scooted over the letter and took a monstrous, light-brown shit all over it.
I can't make something like this up.
How many drinks had you had before going to that castle?:))))
I beg to differ. I think you can make this up.
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